Camp and Outdoors - Girl Scouts
Summer Camp 2025 Booklet
Summer Camp 2025 Booklet

Explore GSWISE Day Camp, Camp Alice Chester Overnight Camp, Day Camps by Community, or CampHERO!

Three Girl Scouts paddle boarding Three Girl Scouts paddle boardingThree Girl Scouts paddle boarding
Girl Scouts doing archery Girl Scouts doing archeryGirl Scouts doing archery
Girl Scout with a horse Girl Scout with a horseGirl Scout with a horse
Girl helping another girl over a rock Girl helping another girl over a rockGirl helping another girl over a rock
camp counselors observing camp activities camp counselors observing camp activitiescamp counselors observing camp activities
Girl Scout rock climbing Girl Scout rock climbingGirl Scout rock climbing
Group of girls tickling and laughing Group of girls tickling and laughingGroup of girls tickling and laughing
girl scouts outside of bus at summer camp
Preparing for camp!

Prepare for adventure and make sure you have everything you need to have an amazing camp experience! 

inside camp alice chester lodge
Community Group Rentals

Nonprofit and community groups can rent our facilities! Learn more about our fees, how to register, and what's available.