Volunteer Aleksander recently was awarded our Thanks Badge II recognition. Aleksander is a go-to volunteer for just about anything you need. He serves as a service unit leader and continues to stay active and involved with the service unit, acting as a mentor for new leadership. He continues to run a very large cookie rally for the service unit, helping encourage girls to set, and meet, lofty cookie sales goals and encouraging troop leaders to make sure their troops participate in the cookie sale.
As an adult learning facilitator, Aleksander jumps in anywhere he’s needed. His second-shift work schedule allows him to facilitate trainings held in the morning to accommodate troop leaders who prefer that timing over an evening or weekend. Aleksander also jumps in often if asked to help with a particular event or to cover a particular gap. He’s a valuable asset to GSWISE.
The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefi ts the total council or the entire Girl Scout movement.
To qualify for the award, the nominee must be an active, registered adult Girl Scout, have received the Thanks Badge for past accomplishments, the outstanding service performed by the nominee resulted in outcomes that benefitted the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and service is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.
To be submitted for initial consideration to the staff or volunteer committees, a minimum of one nomination and one endorsement from a second individual are required.
Once approved to move forward by the staff or volunteer committee, the nomination and endorsement are submitted to the GSWISE Board of Directors for final approval.