Debra has consistently exceeded what is expected of her in her role as business manager for her service unit’s day camp and in every role she has taken on as a volunteer. In addition to her duties of administering the camp finances, budget, and paperwork in her role as business manager, she helps organize volunteers who are helping prep camp, making sure that every detail is looked at and attended to so that they are ready to go when their 300+ campers arrive at the beginning of the week. She makes sure that when volunteers are assigned to a job, it is manageable and understandable to make sure camp is set up quickly and efficiently. She also manages the camp’s inventory and has created a system that makes camp cleanup at the end of the week very fast and efficient, earning the appreciation of volunteers and camp staff alike.
Debra helped move supplies to Camp Alice Chester and used her organizational skills to help integrate supplies being moved into the existing space, making sure that everything is visible and easy to find. She has even set up a method to make the organization system sustainable by posting photos of the cabinets’ contents on the door so that people can quickly see what they’ll find in the cabinet, and where to put things back when they’re done. She often assists at camp clean-up days. Her organization and skills working with older girls are incredibly beneficial to the council in all her volunteer roles.
The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the Girl Scout movement.
To qualify for the award, the nominee must be an active, registered adult Girl Scout, the outstanding service performed by the nominee resulted in outcomes that benefitted the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and the service is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.
To be submitted for initial consideration to the staff or volunteer committees, a minimum of one nomination and one endorsement from a second individual are required.
Once approved to move forward by the staff or volunteer committee, the nomination and endorsement are submitted to the GSWISE Board of Directors for final approval.