Camp Alice Chester is turning 100 this year, and we’re inviting you to join us in celebrating 100 years of Girl Scout camp in southeastern Wisconsin!
Do you want to share your favorite camp stories from one of GSWISE’s properties for a chance to be featured? Fill out this form to share your story with us today.
Today, we’re hearing from Bailey Leonard, a camper turned CIT turned camp staff.
Camp Alice Chester has been a place I’ve been to call home for over a decade. From camper to CIT to staff, camp has had a huge impact on my life.
As a camper, I looked up to the staff members because they were all caring and kind, and I knew I wanted to be just like them, which is why I’m returning for a fourth summer on staff.
Camp also provides lifelong friends. From people I went to camp with to old coworkers, I still keep in touch with a lot of them. I’ve also reconnected with some former camp counselors as I’ve gotten older so I could let them know how much they meant to me.
One of my favorite things I love about camp is the themed meals. One day during the session, we have a themed meal (usually lunch). Sometimes it’s beach-themed, and we all sit on the ground. Other times, it’s “shipwrecked,” where we use random utensils to eat, and so many more!
Join us on Saturday, October 5 for our very own anniversary celebration! Celebrate Camp Alice Chester’s 100th birthday with friends, family, alum, and former and current staff. Current members can register here today. Alum and community members can register here.